This website contains the writings the Lord revealed to me over the course of 40 years in the form of books, articles, teachings, and prophecies. I have always understood my mission has been to call forth an end-time remnant of glorified sons of God. My motto is taken from Galatians 4:19, “… ’til Christ be formed in you.” As you read the writings, may you experience the presence of the Holy Spirit as He performs His work in your heart and spirit, and emboldens you to walk in your calling of righteousness and separation.

The Crucified Ones:
Calling Forth the End-Time Remnant

The Crucified Ones:
Calling Forth the End-Time Remnant
This website contains the writings the Lord revealed to me over the course of 40 years in the form of books, articles, teachings, and prophecies. I have always understood my mission has been to call forth an end-time remnant of glorified sons of God. My motto is taken from Galatians 4:19, “… ’til Christ be formed in you.” As you read the writings, may you experience the presence of the Holy Spirit as He performs His work in your heart and spirit, and emboldens you to walk in your calling of righteousness and separation.
About Charles Elliott Newbold, Jr.
I was an ordained minister, seminary graduate, and pastored for twelve years before falling away to become a professed atheist due to the deceitfulness of sin and my liberal seminary education. My wife, Nancy, and I married in 1970—a second marriage for both of us. Having never seen a miracle and looking up to significant people in her life who did not believe the Bible, Nancy questioned that God existed.
We were involved in some short-lived occult practices when the Holy Spirit got our attention. We were radically converted on April 4, 1978, set free from many demonic spirits, and baptized in the Holy Spirit.
The Lord planted us in a glorious home group of believers in Knoxville, Tennessee, USA, where we were nurtured by the love, teachings, and ministry of Spirit-filled, Spirit-led believers. A few years later, the Lord led us to return to the denominational church we originally came out of, mostly to find forgiveness for the wrongs I had inflicted upon many due to the deceitfulness of sin in my life. We later were part of other churches as we sought fellowship and tried to satisfy that need to be connected.
The Lord began to show me early on that there was this THING we call church that was not the church. The revelation I received and the experiences we had in these various church groups led to writing the book The Harlot Church System.
We ultimately yielded to the call to leave these structures of man-made traditions altogether. We have always been drawn to the idea of gathering in home fellowships like they did in the New Testament, but most of our fellowship has been spontaneously appointed here and there by the Lord, getting with people locally and broadly. We have rich fellowship and abiding Kingdom relationships with many precious believers to whom we are mutually yielded.
Throughout this span of more than thirty years, the Lord inspired several other books and numerous writings.
My wife and I live in Knoxville, Tennessee, where we continue the writing ministry and enjoy the love of family and others who are in our knit-work of Kingdom relationships.
We are blessed!

Charles and Nancy Newbold
Books by Charles Newbold
Charles has published nine books to date. The Crucified Ones intends to call forth a people to walk in radical obedience in preparation for the Lord's coming. In Search of Dad is a book that intends to call forth that supernatural, transcending power that flows from Father-God, enabling men to be godly fathers to their families. His Presence in the Midst of You...